
Using Phonegap Developer Tool with Ionic

While working on my app for the 30 day challenge, I was looking at the Phonegap site about how to build the final app and I saw the Phonegap Developer App.

This app is in two parts, there's the CLI and an app you install on your phone that allows you to run the app you're building on your phone. Kind of like a live reload, but on your phone, how cool is that.

The problem was I'm building an Ionic app that is served through the Ionic CLI, so how do I get my app to run on my phone through the Phonegap developer tool.

Looking into it I found this great article on Devgirl Holly Schinsky's blog, in which she says that you need to run the Ionic app through the Phonegap CLI then when you run it you are given an IP address. Then you open the Phonegap Developer app on your phone and this gives you another IP address, double click on the IP address and change this to match the IP address that the Phonegap CLI has given you and boom your app appears running on your phone.

Then if you go back to your IDE and make any changes they appear automatically on the phone, which is awesome.

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