
Creating web apps

For a while I've created websites, sites for online betting, local councils, Intranets, Extranets, the list goes on. Then I got into working with Apache Flex, and then I started creating applications that run within the Flash platform. I loved the whole 'Flash Platform' idea, building apps for the browser, for mobile, TV and tablet, being able to use Flex for both the browser and devices using Adobe AIR.

The idea of the complete cross-browser, cross-platform application was very appealing to me and with the tools available to modern web developers, these applications are easier to develop.

So my plan for 2013 (though I'm a bit late making plans for 2013) is to concentrate on developing cross platform applications using web technologies. This will involve a lot of studying and practice.

The current list of technologies that I'm going to look at is:

1. HTML 5
2. JavaScript (not just jQuery)
3. BackboneJS
4. RequireJS
5. TDD with JavaScript
6. CSS3
7. NodeJS
8. PhoneGap

A pretty standard list, it'll be interesting to see how these relate to the ActionScript experience I have.

Anyway onward with 2013 and web applications

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