
Access-Allow-Origin error when using jQuery getJSON


I'm working on a test app that uses Twitter's search API to search against keywords. To make the call to Twitter's API I was using the getJSON function from jQuery. Like this:


$.getJSON(" http://search.twitter.com/search.json?q="+searchtrend,function(data){

    $(data.results).each(function(i,v)   {





The problem I found was this was I was getting an Access-Allow-Origin error message. So searching around I found that the problem was a cross domain issue, similar to the issues you get in Flash when loading data from another domain. 

The solution to the problem I found was to use the $.ajax() function in jQuery, in this you can set the crossDomain to true. So my function now looks like this:



url: "http://search.twitter.com/search.json?q="+searchtrend,

data: searchtrend,

type: 'GET',



success: callbackFunction,

error: function(){console.log('failed')}




Now this works without the Access-Allow error. Nice simple solution to a common problem.

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