
The quest for the perfect HTML editor

Notepad ++

I've been looking for the perfect HTML editor, currently I have Notepad++, Sublime Text 2 and Aptana 3. All there are great editors, but I can never settle on which one I want to use all the time.

Notepad++ is good, it's free, has great plugins, supports multiple 'launch-in-browser' features (this is a very helpful feauture). The problem with it are, it's not the best looking editor and the code completion isn't the best. It is also just a Windows only app.

Sublime Text 2 is also another great editor, looks great, has good code completion, and as I have just found, it has a plugin (for Sublime Text they are called packages) that allows you to open the current file in your default browser, and Sublime Text runs on Windows, Mac and Linux. So you can take it with you if you decide to switch OS. The main problem with Sublime Text is that it's not free. It's $59, not very expensive, but there are free editors available.

Aptana 3 like Notepad++ is free, it is also cross platform and has a great number of plugins. The main problem with Aptana is that it is built on Eclipse, which sometime makes it a bit slow to startup and Aptana is more heavy weight than the other two. Also if you want to make quick file edits it's very difficult in Aptana due to the way that Aptana uses projects, the other two are better for making quick file edits.
Being built on Eclipse is also one of it's strengths, as there are so many plugins, and if you write PHP or Ruby or Python Aptana supports them all. If you create websites and you work with Android, you can add to Aptana the Android development tools. So you can create the perfect IDE for your needs.

Out of the three I am leaning towards Aptana, but for quick file edits Notepad++ is great.

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